Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Well, while I didn't get the news I was hoping for at the doctor today, I did get encouraging news. I am now 2 cm dilated and softened. She feels like the bloody show I was having was pooled blood that was pushed out from my last exam. So progress in the right direction. I, of course, was hoping to hear, "WOW, you need to go to the hospital right now, this kid is going to fall out." Believe me, I knew better, but a girl can dream. Austin and Brodie are just ready for this kid to be born. Brodie asks EVERY morning if it is the day. The one thing I can tell him with certainty is, "We are getting closer". For now that appeases him. So now, I am going to try to concentrate on letting my body do its thing. I am feeling a little more energetic this afternoon so I am going to make lasagna for supper and a batch of brownies for my hubby. Have I mentioned how great he has been? He does make me laugh....and some of the time I don't want to laugh at what he says, but it is too funny not to. Thank you, Baby, for keeping my spirits up.