Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ultrasound 28 weeks

I will have a full post later today. I just wanted to post some of the latest ultrasound pictures. What a Valentine's present for me!!!! Love seeing him. Everyone meet Chase! Yup that is the name we FINALLY decided on. It was no where on our original list. Jason came home one night and mentioned it and I sat on it a few days. It has stuck. It is the only one I feel fits. Anyway, I am off to lay down for a bit. Will be back later today with more details of the doctor visit.
Edited later in the day:
So we got great news at the doctor today. My placenta is now 1.9 cm away from the cervical os, instead of covering it. This is awesome news as this takes a lot of danger out of this pregnancy. They are still calling this a low lying placenta, but the perinatoligist said that we are no longer in danger of placenta acreta and the risk of bleeding is back down to extremely little. Once I talk with my regular OB on Thursday I will know if we are going to try for vaginal birth. I hope so. I don't mind having a C section (I had one with my oldest son), but would rather avoid it if possible. Given of course that I was not putting myself or Chase at risk. Chase is measuring perfect for May 10 due date and is 2.5 lbs. His little cheeks are looking more filled out. I got the best Valentine's present of all getting to see his face today. In other good news, I am now off pelvic rest....and well, let's just say. "Happy Valentine's Day Jason and LaShawn" hehe. Thank you all who ask and pray about us. We love you.