Saturday, July 21, 2007


Sorry about the unannounced disappearance for a few days. Jason's mom and grandmother came for a visit. We had a good time shopping and all that girly stuff. After talking about how my mom and grandmother have both been to see the girl that does both my hair and Kree's we decided (OK, I decided and they went along with it) to make them appointments. I will have to post pictures soon...they looked AWESOME! They both wanted something different and we shook it up a bit. Fun stuff.

Last night Nana and Noni took over the kiddos and Jason and I went out. Yes, gone, don't know when we will be back, out. It was Ms. Shana's birthday party at City Streets in Ft. Worth. Jason and I are not big bar/club people, but it was so nice to get out and just goof off. Me and my preggo belly had to show them all how to throw down on the dance floor (Shana and I would be big in Europe). I actually got stopped three times by girls asking where I got my shirt. I loved telling them "Motherhood Maternity". I will post pictures from the night as soon as I get some from Shana. I didn't feel like carrying around my camera. Happy Birthday Shana, it was a blast.

Oh and Shana....I got my Harry Potter book before I came home :-) You knew I would!