Thursday, June 14, 2007


I admit that up until a few years ago I knew very little about Ruth Bell Graham. I knew who her husband was, but beyond that I was pretty much clueless. Since 2003, my spiritual journey has lead me to study many different people. Though I know nothing in depth about her, I do a few things about her.

She was a human model for what a godly wife looks like. She supported her husband in a very public, VERY demanding ministry. One of the things that speaks most of WHO she was can be found in listening to her husband and children talk about her. There is such reverence in their voices....such devotion and love. I have several of her books on my wish lists and plan to get to them soon. I love what was quoted today, the day of her passing. She said the following in 1991:

"We look at death from the wrong point of view," she said. "We think of how much we're missing the one going home. We're not looking at it from God's point of view: a child's coming home, and all the excitement in Heaven when one of God's children is coming home."
And now his beloved daughter is home with him. When I get there, I hope we get to chat.